Cross Census 2010 (USA) to ISCO 08
census2010_to_isco08(base, census, summary = FALSE, code_titles = FALSE)
Dataframe from any survey including a variable with Standard Occupational Codes (SOC) 2010
character vector containing Census 2010 codes
If TRUE provides other dataframe counting how many cases where asigned for each Census 08 code to each ISCO88 code.
If TRUE adds classification titles besides from codes.
The function returns the provided dataframe, adding a new variable with the crosswalk to ISCO 08 codes
base_crossed <- census2010_to_isco08(toy_base_ipums_cps_2018,census = OCC2010,summary = TRUE)
#> Warning: The following codes from the provided database were not found in 'crosstable_census2010_soc2010_isco08' and it was not possible to crosswalk them: c("1100", "730", "620", "3650", "2150", "3530", "3130", "2140", "3410", "9100", "130", "1960", "560")